Why Is It Necessary to Have Awesome Phone Cases and Covers?

Are you similar to me? Do you own a smartphone that you squander horribly? Do you secretly regard your phone as your best friend on Earth? Would you weep uncontrollably if something horrible occurred to your phone? If that is the case, my buddy, please join the club. (Psst. I have nightmares in which I drop my phone in the water and it is devoured by a shark!) Do you suffer from similar stomach-churning, nerve-wracking nightmares? What? Where are the sharks? Perhaps I am slightly insane! Whatever the case may be, here are nine reasons why you should always utilize cases and covers ! 1. Scratches are awful! Let's face it, regardless of how cautious you are, you're likely to drop your phone at least once or twice a month (ten times if you're anything like me!). Cases can give all of the necessary protection for your phone! With a phone case, your phone is not constantly fighting gravity. 2. What? You did not purchase insurance? Do you own a $50,000 phone yet lack insurance? Y...